Bridge the gap between drones and CAD
Designed for use by surveyors, civil engineers, and contractors, Precision 3D Topo allows users to import survey data, points, polylines, surfaces, point clouds, both traditional LIDAR and aerial drone survey data, and more from a wide variety of programs and entities to create usable 3D surfaces.
- Importing Point Cloud data from Lidar and Aerial Drone mapping
- Merge and edit point clouds to create surface models
- Import survey data to further refine surface models
- Powerful surface Editing tools to perfect surface models
- Including Google Maps photographic background, automated Google surface creation
- Easy surface volume tools directly from point clouds or surfaces
- Advanced Texturing and Presentation Tools
- Import / Export all data as LandXML, DXF, and Surface Models as TIN, TN3, and TTM
System Requirements- OS: Windows 7 64-Bit or later
- CPU: Intel® Core™ i7 or equivalent
- 16GB ram min, recommend 32GB if processing
large point clouds
- Nvidia GTX 870, AMD comparable or better
Carlson Precision 3D Topo 2018 Feature List
- Load and display Google map images and drape to surfaces
- Automated Google surface TIN creation
- Unified calculate volumes command for pointclouds and surfaces, includes surface to surface volumes
- Windows 3D thumbnail image shell extension for LandXML, TIN, GRD, P3D files
- Supports georeferenced data import/export
- Complete worldwide coordinate projections for survey feet, meters and international feet
- Undo/Redo support
- Supports mixed Metric/Imperial units
- User customizable Window layout
- Drag and Drop file support
- Import georeferenced images: GeoTiff, Jpeg2000, jpeg and MrSid
- Drape image to surface
- Import point clouds from .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz, .pts, .e57, .pcd files
- Uses multiple CPU cores for faster performance
- Load up to 50 files at once with preview
- Apply point thinning filter during load of very large files
- Apply Bareground classification and Outlier filter for .las, laz files
- Supports color returns
- Simple TIN surface creation
- Import survey point data from. LandXML, DXF and Carlson CRD files
- Import surfaces from LandXML, DEM, DXF and Carlson TIN
- No reduction for highest TIN resolution
- Grid Reduction for faster loading of large surfaces
- Slight simplification
- Aggressive Simplification
- Import polylines from LandXML, DXF, Shapefile, Carlson CLN and PLN files
- Survey Field to Finish CRD files with points, polylines, 3D objects and textures for closed polylines
- Drag and Drop file support
Fast Point Cloud Editing:
- Point Cloud point selector tool for crop, delete, with the ability to create a new cloud from the selection
- Save pointcloud to LAS/LAZ version 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 including coordinate projection WKT
- Uses multiple CPU cores for faster performance
- Merge multiple point clouds together
- Crop point cloud to smaller area
- Delete point cloud points
- Crop/delete points using polygons
- Remove trees, vegetation, cars, building using baregound filter
- Apply bareground filter within polygon boundaries
- Reduce points using voxel grid, outlier and shadow points filters.
Surface Creation:
- Create surfaces from point cloud data
- No reduction for highest resolution
- Grid Reduction for faster loading of large surfaces
- Slight simplification
- Aggressive Simplification
- Create surfaces from imported points and polylines
- Add points and polylines to existing surfaces
- Merge surfaces
- Crop Surfaces
Surface Editing:
- Real-time surface editing with dynamic contours
- Unified calculate volumes command and includes new surface to surface volumes
- Surfaces created or used as top surface display cut/fill volumes in properties window
- Add/remove points
- Add breaklines
- Swap triangle edges
- Remove triangles
- Edit point elevation
- Set point elevation from slope
- Surface Smoothing
- Improve ridges and valleys
- Remove dimples (small shallow spots)
- Create PAD template surfaces for cut and fill
- Simple texturing using polylines
- Crop surfaces to polyline
- Merge Surfaces
- Surfaces (basic, or from points and polylines)
- Points
- Extract 2D alignment geometry polylines from TIN surfaces
- Polylines (draped to surface, 3D or 2D modes)
- Combine open and closed polylines
- Split open and closed polylines
- Replace section for overlapping, multiple polylines
- Dynamic cursor snaps: perpendicular, intersection, apparent intersection, vertex, insert point, near to, TIN face vertices, TIN Face edges, and Center of TIN faces
- Dynamic angle and offset snaps
- Profile and Section view for polylines
- Automated 3D textures of colorized Carlson TIN and LandXML-2.0 surfaces
- Auto texture / colorization tools for imported monochromatic surfaces
- Insert 3D models from .OBJ and .SKP files
- 3D Model editor to adjust insertion, XYZ dimensions and rotation
- Overlay Google Maps and other image formats with surfaces
- Exports to LandXML-2.0, Carlson TIN, ESRI Geodatabase, Trimble .TTN, Topcon .TN3
- Export points, polylines and surfaces to DXF
- Print to PDF
- Export to 3D Printer as .stl file
- Print Preview and Print support
Carlson Precision 3D Topo 2018 LandXML Edition Feature List:
- Open LandXML Files
- Load point clouds from .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz, .pts, .e57, .pcd files
- Uses multiple CPU cores for faster performance
- Load multiple files at once with preview
- Apply point thinning filter during load of very large files
- Apply Bareground classification and Outlier filter for .las, laz files
- Windows 3D thumbnail shell extension for LandXML, TIN, GRD, P3D files
- Drag and Drop file support
- Draw/Edit Polylines
- Texture surface using closed polylines
- Auto Texture Surface for quick area detection and texturing
- Insert 3D objects (OBJ and SKP files)
- Measure command
- Save LandXML files as 2.0
LandXML Imported Data Supported (LandXML-0.88, LandXML-1.0, LandXML-1.1, LandXML-1.2):
- CgPoints
- Survey Monuments
- Survey Reduced Observations
- Surfaces (TIN and from SourceData Chains, Breaklines)
- Watersheds
- Alignments (CoordGeom Element Supports: Line, Curve, Spirals, Irregular Lines and Chains)
- Parcels
- PipeNetworks
- PlanFeatures
LandXML Imported/Exported Data (LandXML-2.0 Specific):
- All texture and 3D object data fully contained in a single LandXML-2.0 file
- Surfaces with multiple colors and textures
- Material Table
- Texture Images
- 3D Objects
